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KITES: Cookies: Divide and Conquer, Math A


KITES: Cookies: Divide and Conquer, Math A

Grade Levels

10th Grade, 11th Grade, 12th Grade, 9th Grade

Course, Subject

Related Academic Standards


Adapted from the NYS Department of Education publication, A Toolkit for Mathematics Educators: Key Idea Tasks to Enhance Success (KITES)


Division permeates mathematics at all levels. Students need to recognize situations that require division and be able to represent the problem symbolically. As skill development increases, students apply their knowledge to problem solving. Relating the concept of division to everyday experiences through the use of a cookie theme helps students make connections to the real world. Activities include sharing cookies, purchasing cookies, modifying a cookie recipe, and analyzing cookie package parameters.

Related Activities

  1. Have students use their knowledge of division and three-dimensional objects to investigate real-world packaging problems. Students should decide what information is needed to solve the problems, write an equation involving division, and find its solution (see Activity Sheet, Items 1 - 4).
  2. Have students solve problems involving the division of algebraic expressions (see Activity Sheet, Item 5).
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