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Creating a Classroom Newspaper

Web-based Content

Creating a Classroom Newspaper

Grade Levels

3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade

Course, Subject

Related Academic Standards
  • Big Ideas
    Comprehension requires and enhances critical thinking and is constructed through the intentional interaction between reader and text
    Information to gain or expand knowledge can be acquired through a variety of sources.
    Artists use tools and resources as well as their own experiences and skills to create art.
    The arts provide a medium to understand and exchange ideas.
    The skills, techniques, elements and principles of the arts can be learned, studied, refined and practiced.
  • Concepts
    Essential content of text, including literary elements and devices, inform meaning
    Essential content, literary elements and devices inform meaning
    Informational sources have unique purposes.
    Organization of information facilitates meaning.
    Textual features and organization inform meaning
    Textual features inform meaning
    Validity of information must be established.
    Actors and audiences work together to share a performance; there are sets of behaviors and expectations for an audience.
    Actors create performances with a beginning, middle and end.
    Actors recreate experiences.
    Actors use their bodies, voices and imaginations to create theatre.
    Art can convey emotion.
    Artists draw inspiration from past experiences.
    Labanotation is a written language that people use to communicate movement ideas.
    Labanotation is a written language used by choreographers and dancers to communicate movement sequences.
    Musical notation can represent short, long, high and low sounds.
    People can use voices and instruments to improvise music.
    People can use voices and instruments to perform music.
    People make art from everyday objects.
    People make art to communicate ideas about contemporary events.
    People use theatre to communicate their feelings and experiences.
    People use their personal experience to perform and create works in dance.
    Pictures can represent sound and silence.
    Playwrights use dialogue and action to tell a story and/or illustrate a theme.
  • Competencies
    Compile information from resource materials.
    Differentiate fact from opinion across texts
    Distinguish between essential and non-essential information within and among texts, identifying exaggeration and stereotype where present
    Distinguish between essential and non-essential information within texts, identifying exaggeration and stereotype where present
    Distinguish between essential and non-essential information within texts, identifying exaggeration where present
    Identify and analyze the characteristics of various genre (e.g. poetry, drama, fiction)
    Identify and distinguish between components of fiction and non-fiction texts
    Identify and use organizational features of text (e.g. sequence, question/answer, comparison/contrast, cause/effect, problem/solution) to clarify meaning
    Identify resource materials to achieve a research goal.
    Locate credible sources of information, including information gathered from web sites.
    Make predictions and draw inferences and conclusions based on text
    Organize and present information drawn from research.
    Question, reflect on, and interpret essential content of text
    Summarize key information and the implied or stated main idea of texts
    Summarize key information from a text (e.g. major points, processes and/or events)
    Summarize relevant information from source material to achieve a research goal.
    Use and cite evidence from texts to make assertions, inferences, generalizations, and to draw conclusions
    Use and cite evidence from texts to make predictions, assertions, inferences and to draw conclusions
    Use headings to locate information identify content that would best fit in a specific section of text, and Interpret charts, graphs, and captions in text
    Use organizational features of text (e.g. sequence, question/answer, comparison/contrast, cause/effect, problem/solution) to clarify and enhance meaning
    Choreograph a short piece/phrase utilizing basic Labanotation.
    Create a work of art influenced by a personal experience.
    Create art from everyday objects.
    Create, rehearse and revise a short improvised play with a partner by choosing and assigning characters and inventing dialogue and actions.
    Define the roles and expectations of audience and actor.
    Identify basic symbols used in Labanotation.
    Identify the story sequence in a familiar story and act it out.
    Imitate and communicate emotion in creative dramatics and creative play.
    Imitate objects and actions from stories or their own experience while participating in creative dramatics activities.
    Improvise simple melodies and rhythms using voices and classroom instruments.
    Make art that communicates an idea about a contemporary event.
    Make art that conveys an emotion.
    Perform and create dances that are based on events in their lives.
    Perform simple melodies and rhythms using voices and classroom instruments.
    Perform spontaneous movement and sound in response to stories, poems and songs.
    Read iconic notation representing sound and silence.
    Read musical notation representing short/long and high/low sounds.


Students will enjoy this creative, exciting, and stimulating lesson in writing as they create authentic newspaper stories. As they are transformed into reporters and editors, they will become effective users of ICT in order to publish their own classroom newspaper. Various aspects of newspapers are covered, including parts of a newspaper, writing an article, online newspapers, newspaper reading habits, and layout and design techniques.

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Creating a Classroom Newspaper

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