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Bicycle Education Plans - Riding on the Road

Web-based Resource

Bicycle Education Plans - Riding on the Road

Grade Levels

10th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade, 9th Grade

Course, Subject

Driver's Education
Related Academic Standards
  • Big Ideas
    Community well-being is dependent upon a balance of personal and social responsibility.
    Health concepts are essential for wellness and a health-enhancing lifestyle.
    Participation in physical activity impacts wellness throughout a lifetime.
    Quality lifelong movement is based on scientific concepts/principles.
    Safety impacts individual and community well-being.
  • Concepts
    A healthy lifestyle and healthy environment are interdependent.
    A personal fitness program incorporates exercise and training principles.
    A variety of factors impact physical activity preferences during adolescence.
    Adult group interactions that occur in physical activities provide an opportunity to develop the skills necessary to be productive and contributing members of society.
    Appropriate selection of motor skill development concepts improves the quality of movement.
    Basic movement skills and concepts (combine to) form movement sequences and advanced skills.
    Determining an appropriate physical activity plan will support life-long personal health and fitness goals.
    Exercise principles improve physical activities.
    Exercise principles influence health and skill-related fitness.
    Game strategies are used to be successful in games and physical activities.
    Game strategies help you know what to do and when to do it.
    Good choices and actions (safe practices) can keep you from getting hurt in your home, at school and in your community.
    Good choices and actions (safe practices) need to be applied during individual physical activity settings.
    Good choices and actions (safe practices) need to be applied in physical activity settings.
    Good choices and actions (safe practices) need to be appliedin group physical activity settings.
    In addition to regular participation in physical activities, many other factors impact motor skill improvement
    Individuals interact through many different roles in group physical activities.
    Informed selections of physical activities can lead to the achievement of personal fitness and activity goals.
    Intensity levels of various physical activities impact physical fitness and health.
    Many diseases can be prevented or eliminated by healthy life choices such as moderate diet, exercise and not smoking.
    Many factors such as peers, body image, and stress are factors that influence teens’ drug use.
    Media messages contribute to the development of health attitudes and behaviors.
    Motor skill development concepts can be applied to a variety of basic motor skills.
    Motor skill improvement through physical activity is impacted by individual choices and differences.
    Movement skills, movement concepts and skill-related fitness enrich movement performance throughout life.
    Nutritional factors, such as food selection and caloric content, have a major impact on health.
    Physical activities are enjoyed for various reasons.
    Physical activity intensity levels elicit physiological responses which are impacted by changes in adult health status.
    Physical activity preferences of adults are determined by many factors.
    Positive and negative interactions occur within small group physical activities.
    Practice strategies affect motor skill development and enhance skill performance.
    Regular participation in physical activities affects the body systems.
    Regular participation in physical activities improves motor skills.
    Regular participation in physical activity affects the body in positive and negative ways.
    Regular physical activity impacts an individual physiologically, socially, and psychologically throughout a lifetime.
    Relationships exist between regular participation in physical activity and adolescent health improvement.
    Safe practices can be used to keep you from being injured in the home, school and community.
    Scientific principles affect movement and skills.
    Scientific principles help us move more efficiently.
    Specific vocabulary words describe concepts of motor skill development
    The body’s response during physical activity is affected by internal and external factors.
    The body’s response to physical activity can be measured and assessed.
    The intensity level of physical activity causes the body to respond in various ways.
    The interactions of adolescents impact the outcome of group physical activities.
    The quality of information determines the wisdom of the choice.
    The way our multiple body systems function determines our level of health.
    There are differences between basic movement skills and movement concepts yet they work together.
    There are good choices and actions (safe practice strategies) to avoid or resolve conflict situations.
    There are good choices and actions (safe practice strategies) you can use to manage conflict and violence.
    There are many good choices and actions (safe practices) you can use in an emergency situation.
    There are safe strategies you can use in emergencies and for the management of injuries.
    There is a connection between appropriate practice and the development of motor skills.
    There is an interrelationship among practice, motor skill development and physical activity.
    Understanding concepts of safe practices and injury prevention can help individuals make good decisions in the home, school, and community.
    Understanding concepts of safe strategies can help individuals avoid or manage conflict and violence during adolescence.
    Various factors impact physical activity preferences during childhood.
    Various physical activities promote physical fitness and health.
    Your safety and health are influenced by how personal decisions are made.
    Your well-being is linked to responsible healthy habits.
  • Competencies
    Analyze social, emotional, physical, cognitive and environmental factors that impact personal fitness and activity goals, preferences and group interactions of adolescents.
    Analyze the inter-relationship among emotional, social, physical and mental health, skill improvement and physical activity preferences and participation, over a lifetime.
    Apply movement skills, concepts and game strategies when participating in physical activities.
    Apply scientific principles and appropriate practice strategies to improve movement skills.
    Clarify the relationships among stress, peer pressure, nutritional factors and personal choices such as avoiding risky use of drugs, with well-functioning body systems and disease prevention.
    Create a personal fitness program based on personal data, exercise and training principles and fitness components.
    Demonstrate how to use good choices and actions (safe practices) in the home, school and community.
    Describe the effects and changes that occur to the body during moderate to vigorous physical activity.
    Describe the various roles within a group and how they can be positive or negative.
    Describe what influences a person’s choice of physical activities.
    Evaluate personal preferences in the selection of physical activities that support the engagement in and achievement of personal fitness and activity goals over a lifetime.
    Evaluate physical activity preferences, responses of body’s systems and activities that support life-long fitness and activity goals.
    Examine safe practices and strategies in the home, school and community and in physical activity settings.
    Examine the role of the individual in physical activity settings.
    Identify and engage in various physical activities that support health, physical fitness, motor skill improvement, group interactions and enjoyment.
    Identify factors that positively and negatively impact both our health and environment.
    Identify, assess and engage in various physical activities that support health, physical fitness, motor skill improvement, group interactions and enjoyment.
    Recognize and use components of the F.I.T.T. principle to improve physical fitness.
    Recognize good choices and actions (safe practices) in the home, school, community and physical activity settings.
    Select healthy attitudes and habits that promote individual growth and responsible decision making.
    Use selected movement skills, concepts and game strategies when participating in physical activities.


Target audience: Middle school students and others learning to ride their bicycle on the road.

This bicycle education video addresses the rules of the road and demonstrates riding with traffic, yielding, stopping, turning, avoiding hazards, passing parked cars, and proper lane positioning.

The video can be used in elementary or middle school classrooms or shown at events focused toward parents, such as back to school night or PTO meetings. Additionally, the video could be used in a Driver's Education class to demonstrate the rules that cyclists must follow so that motorized vehicle operators can understand their rights and anticipate their actions.

Video Length: 7:22


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