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Measure Me Measurement: Third Grade TIU Enrichment Lesson

Lesson Plan

Measure Me Measurement: Third Grade TIU Enrichment Lesson

Grade Levels

3rd Grade

Course, Subject

  • Big Ideas
    Measurement attributes can be quantified, and estimated using customary and non-customary units of measure.
    Numerical quantities, calculations, and measurements can be estimated or analyzed by using appropriate strategies and tools.
  • Concepts
  • Competencies
    Determine perimeter or side lengths of various polygons.
    Determine the area of a rectangle as it relates to multiplication and addition.
    Distinguish between linear and area measurements.
    Make estimations.
    Solve problems.


This purpose of this lesson is to provide enrichment for students who have an initial knowledge and background in measuring to the nearest inch.


Inch- a customary unit of length

Quarter Inch- a customary unit of length that is one fourth of an inch.


  • Students will create a body that has the same measurements to the quarter inch as their own.

Lesson Essential Question(s)

How precise do measurements and calculations need to be?
In what ways are the mathematical attributes of objects or processes measured, calculated and/or interpreted?
What does it mean to estimate or analyze numerical quantities?
What makes a tool and/or strategy appropriate for a given task?
When is it is appropriate to estimate versus calculate?
Why does “what” we measure influence “how” we measure?
  • How do you use measurement in your life?
  • How do I measure accurately to the nearest inch?


This lesson will take approximately two 40 minute periods. 


  • Ruler with inches, yard stick or tape measure
  • Large roll-out butcher type paper
  • Crayons, colored pencils or markers
  • Scissors
  • Teacher-made example
  • Measurement Worksheet

Suggested Instructional Strategies

Instructional Practice:  Active Participation, Independent Practice, Hands-On Activity, Tactile Learning, Partner Work


Webb’s Depth of Knowledge:  Skill/Concept, Strategic Thinking, Extended Thinking


This lesson is most appropriate for students who need enrichment in adding decimals and money.  The lesson is also appropriate for students needing additional practice and/or enrichment with polygons.


This lesson will allow students to have the opportunity for enrichment measurement.  The students who do not love math, but may enjoy art, will have a chance to bring them together. Students will also have the chance to apply math to a real-world activity.




Students will have the chance to create self-replica. They will be using rulers to measure their arms/legs/and height to build a person their own size.




While taking part in the activity, students will be getting additional practice measuring.  Students will need to take initial measurements of own body and then measure their paper to make the measurements match.




Students will be informally assessed during activity via teacher observation.  Students will be formally assessed via the teacher-made checklist after activity completion.


This lesson is tailored to a third grade student who has acquired the basic skills of measurement to the nearest quarter inch.  



Activity is review/enrichment lesson.  The lesson is organized into introduction, modeling, independent/partner activity and assessment.

Instructional Procedures

  1. Teacher will assign each student a partner. Teacher will show students pass out rulers (or yard sticks or tape measure) to students.  Teacher will ask students to measure the bottom of their shoe to the nearest quarter inch with their partner. Partners will double-check measurements.
  2. Teacher will tell the students they will have the opportunity to find out the size of their own bodies.  Teacher will call on student to measure teacher’s arms, legs and height. Teacher will share example of his/her body cut-out. (Measurements should be from shoulder to tips of longest finger and from bottom of feet to top of leg.)
  3. Teacher will then tell students they will work in partners measuring arms, legs and height to the nearest inch.  They will record their measurements on measurement sheet. (Teacher monitors and helps where needed.)
  4. After all measurements have been recorded, students will begin to create self cut-out.  They will make a body and cut it out.  It should be their height and have the same size arms and legs. They should then color it so it is a replica of themselves.
  5. After all are complete, teacher will assess using assessment checklist.

Formative Assessment

Related Materials & Resources

This website gives additional practice in measurement to inches.  It allows student to customize difficulty level.



Kelly Flemm

Date Published

July 15, 2014
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