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Everything is Manufactured! Can Everyone Enter the Field of Manufacturing?

Lesson Plan

Everything is Manufactured! Can Everyone Enter the Field of Manufacturing?

Grade Levels

10th Grade, 9th Grade

Course, Subject

Career Awareness & Preparation
Related Academic Standards
  • Big Ideas
    A technological world requires that humans develop capabilities to solve technological challenges and improve products for the way we live.
    All changes in translational motion are due to forces.
    All forces arise from the interactions between different objects.
    All motion can be explained using the laws of the conservation of energy, the conservation of momentum, and/or the conservation of angular momentum.
    Cells have organized structures and systems necessary to support chemical reactions needed to maintain the living condition.
    Changes in matter are accompanied by changes in energy.
    DNA segments contain information for the production of proteins necessary for growth and function of cells.
    Each area of technology has a set of characteristics that separates it from others; however, many areas overlap in order to meet human needs and wants.
    Earth’s surface features and atmosphere are a dynamic system operating over different time periods.
    Eukaryotic cells can differentiate and organize making it possible for multicellularity.
    Evolution is the result of many random processes selecting for the survival and reproduction of a population.
    Forces can act upon an object to change the position, direction, and/or speed of its motion.
    Hereditary information in genes is inherited and expressed.
    Life emerges due to the chemical organization of matter into cells.
    New cells arise from the division of pre-existing cells.
    Objects that move in translational motion are described in terms of position, velocity, and acceleration.
    Organisms obtain and use energy to carry out their life processes.
    Organisms on Earth interact and depend in a variety of ways on other living and nonliving things in their environments.
    Organisms share common characteristics of life.
    Purpose, topic and audience guide types of writing
    Structure is related to function at all biological levels of organization.
    Technological design is a creative process that anyone can do which may result in new inventions and innovations.
    Technological literacy is the ability to use, assess and manage technology around us.
    The Earth is composed of a number of dynamic interacting systems which exchange matter and/or energy.
    The Earth’s interior has structure.
    The hydrosphere contains all of the water on Earth.
    Through a variety of mechanisms organisms seek to maintain a biological balance between their internal and external environments.
    Writing is a means of documenting thinking
    Writing is a recursive process that conveys ideas, thoughts and feelings
    Career choice and preparation are lifelong processes based on many influences and using many strategies.
    Career retention and advancement is dependent upon student’s interpersonal skills, work habits, attitudes and effective time management skills.
    Change impacts career options and choices.
    Comprehensive planning leads to effective career decisions.
    Families are the fundamental unit of society; strong families empower individuals to manage the challenges of living and working in a diverse, global society.
    Identification and application of sound research practices and networking strategies are essential in the career acquisition process.
    Interests, aptitudes, and abilities are unique for each individual and play a key role in career choice.
    There is a definitive relationship between education and career planning and choice.
    Understanding and demonstrating workplace skills and knowledge is paramount in the career acquisition process.
    Community well-being is dependent upon a balance of personal and social responsibility.
    Health concepts are essential for wellness and a health-enhancing lifestyle.
    Safety impacts individual and community well-being.
    Audience and purpose influence the writer’s choice of organizational pattern, language, and literacy techniques.
  • Concepts
    A cell’s interior is separated or compartmentalized from the environment by a phospholipid bilayer plasma membrane.
    A multicellular organization enables life functions such as movement, digestion, internal circulation of nutrients, excretion of waste and reproduction to be subdivided among specialized groups of cells.
    A technological design & problem solving process changes ideas into a final product or system.
    According to the law of conservation of mass, a chemical change can be represented by a balanced chemical equation.
    Active transport moves atoms, ions and small molecule mostly against a concentration gradient and requires an expenditure of energy.
    Active transport of larger substances and subcellular structures occurs through endocytosis and exocytosis.
    All cells go through a cell cycle.
    All forms of life on Earth are connected in a Biosphere.
    An understanding of forces and their interactions is used to describe, explain, and design any number of natural and human-built objects and systems.
    ATP molecules store usable chemical energy to drive life processes through coupled reactions.
    Based on systematic, measurable changes in physical properties, the atmosphere is subdivided into different layers.
    Based on the measured scattering of seismic waves, the Earth’s interior is subdivided into layers based on physical properties.
    Biological levels of organization from smallest to largest include: atoms, molecules, organelles, cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, multicellular organisms, populations, and communities.
    Biological molecules produced by a cell can be used by the cell or transported outside for use by other cells.
    Bio-related technologies are the processes of using biological mater to make or modify products.
    Bio-related technologies are the processes of using biological organisms to make or modify products.
    Both passive and facilitated diffusion move materials along a concentration gradient without energy.
    Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids are the chemical foundations for life.
    Carbon rings and chains form the backbone of all biological molecules.
    Cell differentiation occurs many times during development of a multicellular organisms giving rise to a diversity of cell types.
    Cells are composed mostly of: C, H, N, O, P, and S.
    Cells are the basic unit of structure and function for all living things.
    Cells come only from the division of a pre-existing cell.
    Cells function as microscopic chemical factories synthesizing and degrading biological molecules necessary for life.
    Cells grow when they can take in more nutrients through their plasma membranes than they can metabolize in their interior. Cells may divide when their metabolism exceeds nutrient absorption.
    Cells occur in two basic forms: Prokaryotes (Bacteria and Archaea) and Eukaryotes (all other cells).
    Cells that have differentiated to perform specialized functions rely on the collective function of other specialized cells within a multicellular organism to maintain their living condition.
    Cellular respiration is the process by which potential chemical energy in the bonds of glucose is transformed into potential chemical energy in the bonds of ATP.
    Changes in atmospheric composition can lead to changes in the intensity and composition of sunlight reaching the Earth’s surface that can be observed and measured.
    Changes in matter can be chemical, physical, or nuclear.
    Changes in temperature are accompanied by changes in kinetic energy which can result in changes in the states of matter.
    Chemical reactions and processes necessary for life are carried out in cytoplasm or organelles within a eukaryotic cell’s protoplasm.
    Circulation patterns in the oceans are driven by multiple forces.
    Climate measurably changes over time due to natural and human processes.
    Common anatomical and/or genetic structures and behaviors demonstrate that species have evolved from common ancestors.
    Communication is the process of composing, sending, and receiving messages through technology.
    Communication is the process of composing, sending, and receiving messages using technological devices.
    Construction is the process of turning materials into useful structures.
    Construction is the process of turning raw materials into useful structures.
    Coulomb’s Law computes the force between two electrically charged objects at a distance.
    Different forms of energy contribute to the transport mechanisms of Earth’s dynamic systems.
    Different types of cells and tissues combine to form distinct structures known as organs which perform specific functions.
    DNA contains the complete set of instructions, the genetic code, for building and running an organism.
    During the process of meiosis genetic recombinations may occur contributing to genetic variability within a population.
    Earth consists of an interacting set of processes and structures.
    Energy and power technologies are the processes of converting energy sources into useful power.
    Energy and power technologies use processes to convert energy into power.
    Energy is converted from one form to another as it moves through a food chains and food webs.
    Energy is transferred through Earth’s systems via radiation, conduction, and convection.
    Energy transferred through Earth’s systems drives global processes.
    Enzymes are special proteins designed to catalyze most biochemical reactions that otherwise would not occur.
    Eukaryotic cells first divide their nucleus and then divide their cytoplasm to make new cells.
    Evidence suggests that the interior layers arose long ago from heat, cooling and gravity.
    Evolution occurs when the gene frequency of alleles in a population shifts to confer survial and reproductive success.
    Factors that can affect the rate of a chemical change include temperature, concentration, nature of the reactant, and catalyst.
    Focus, content, organization, style, and conventions work together to impact writing quality
    For objects in a constant state of motion (including those at rest) the net force is zero.
    Forces can be mathematically combined together as a vector sum resulting in a single net force that causes the object to accelerate in the direction of that net force.
    Forces may result from contact or action at a distance in the case of gravitational, electrostatic, or magnetic fields.
    Forms of energy are required to maintain life.
    Four fundamental forces of nature dominate at different scales: the strong and weak forces acting within the nucleus opposing proton-proton repulsion, the electrical force dominates in biological and chemical processes, and gravitational force dominates at astronomical scales.
    Given a knowledge of all the forces acting on an object, its accelerations can be calculated.
    Given a knowledge of an object’s motion, its force(s) can be inferred.
    Glycolysis is the foundation of both aerobic and anaerobic respiration. Glycolysis, through anaerobic respiration, is the main energy source in many prokaryotes.
    Homeostasis dynamically returns biological changes (body temperature, osmolarity, blood pressure, pH, blood glucose, etc.) to balance by modifying chemical reactions, adjusting energy transformations, and responding to environmental changes.
    In a closed system, the product of an object’s angular speed and rotational inertia will remain constant.
    In a closed system, the total work performed by objects may be calculated from the final kinetic energy minus the initial kinetic energy.
    In a technological world, inventions and innovations must be carefully assessed by individuals and society as a whole.
    In an isolated system, the total momentum or angular momentum is conserved.
    In every transformation of energy from one form to another, some of the energy is converted into thermal energy.
    Inertial mass is a measure of the resistance of an object to changes in translation motion (Newton’s First Law of Motion).
    Innovation is the process of improving an existing product, process, or system.
    Innovation is the process of modifying an existing product, process, or system to improve it.
    Invention is a process of creating new products, processes, or systems.
    Invention is a process of turning ideas and imagination into new products, processes, or systems.
    Inventions and innovations must be carefully assessed by individuals and society.
    Limiting factors can cause population fluctuations or extinction in a given ecosystem.
    Liquid water forms hydrogen bonds, is a solvent, and forms hydronium ions allowing a wide range of biochemical reactions to occur.
    Manufacturing is the process of turning materials into useful products.
    Manufacturing is the process of turning raw materials into useful products.
    Many biological molecules are polymers made from monomers that contain carbon chemically bound with other elements.
    Many synthesized polypeptides require additional processing to acquire their active, three-dimensional structures.
    Matter exists naturally in 3 states on earth: solid, liquid, and gas.
    Matter flows through an ecosystem using a variety of natural cycles.
    Meiosis involves a two-step nuclear division reducing the number of chromosomes in half – producing gametes.
    Minerals, which make up rocks, have internal structures determined by a regular arrangement of internal atoms or ions that determine their physical properties.
    Models and graphs can be used to determine the presence or absence of unbalanced forces.
    Molecular structure is related to function.
    Molecules, ions and water move in and out of the cell through a variety of mechanisms.
    Most biochemical reactions require an input of energy.
    Movement of the Earth’s crust by Plate tectonics contributes to changes in the surface of the earth.
    Mutations alter a gene's genetic information, resulting in a change in the protein that is made, or how or when a cell makes that protein. Most mutations are evolutionary neutral.
    Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation computes the force between two masses at a distance.
    Newton’s Laws of Motion empirically describe the motion of objects in terms of force interactions, mass, and acceleration in a non-accelerating, non-relativistic reference frame.
    Newton’s three laws of motion can be used to explain and measure the motion of objects.
    Oceans are connected to major lakes, watersheds, and waterways.
    Oceans dominate the earth’s carbon cycle.
    One or more pairs of genes on one or more chromosomes code for the expression of inherited traits.
    Organ systems function to meet an organism’s needs.
    Organisms adapt to changes in their environments.
    Organisms and their environment are interdependent.
    Organisms are made up of simpler units called cells.
    Organisms can reproduce their own kind using DNA.
    Organisms grow, develop and eventually die.
    Organisms need light and/or chemicals to make cellular protoplasm.
    Organisms obtain and use energy through photosynthesis or cellular respiration to carry out their life processes.
    Organisms release waste chemicals produced by cells.
    Organisms seek to maintain homeostasis at all biological levels of organization.
    Organs work together as a system to perform common functions.
    Osmosis is the diffusion of water from an area of lower solute concentration (more aqueous solution) across a membrane to an area higher solute concentration (less aqueous solution).
    Passive transport depends on the diffusion of substances with a concentration gradient moving across a membrane from an area of higher concentration to an area of lesser concentration without energy.
    Patterns of inheritance reflecting how genes interact and express themselves (including dominant, recessive, codominance, incomplete dominance, sex-linked, sex-influenced, multiple alleles) can be predicted, observed and described.
    People select, create, and use science and technology and are limited by constraints (e.g. social and physical).
    People select, create, and use technology.
    Photosynthesis is the process that transforms light energy into potential chemical energy.
    Position, velocity and acceleration are examples of vectors, quantities relying on both direction and magnitude that combine with other velocity and acceleration vectors according to specific mathematical rules.
    Position, velocity, and acceleration describe the motion of objects at every scale from the motion of subatomic particles to the motion of entire galaxies.
    Prokaryotic cells divide via binary fission.
    Pushes, pulls, friction, and gravity are forces that can act upon an object to change its position, direction, and/or speed.
    RNA is necessary for protein synthesis from DNA.
    Rotational kinetic energy is the rotational analogue of translational kinetic energy.
    Safety is a preeminent concern for all technological development and use.
    Safety is one of the most important concerns for all technological development and use.
    Selective breeding and biotechnology contribute to the deliberate changing of the genetic makeup of a population.
    Sexually reproducing organisms produce gametes which transport hereditary information from one generation of organisms into another generation.
    Solids, liquids and gases can exert forces on surfaces and is quantified as pressure.
    Speciation occurs when one population is isolated from another population. The isolation can be geological, reproductive, or filling different ecological nitches to reduce competation. With isolation comes changing environmental factors exerting selective pressure on mutations and adaptions.
    Specific biotic and abiotic factors characterize biomes and their component ecosystems.
    Structure is related to function at the cellular and organelle levels of biological organization.
    Sunlight is the initial energy source for most life on Earth.
    Technological design & problem solving follows many steps.
    Technological design & problem solving includes both formative and summative analysis.
    Technological design & problem solving includes clearly communicated solutions.
    Technological design & problem solving includes frequent checking.
    Technological design & problem solving requires hands-on applications.
    Technological design & problem solving requires the ability to clearly communicate engineered solutions.
    Technological design & problem solving requires the application of hands-on abilities such as sketching, prototyping, and fabricating.
    Technological design & problem solving transforms an idea into a final product or system.
    Technological design & problem solving utilizes a series of steps that take place in a well-defined sequence.
    Technological literacy is a lifetime endeavor.
    Technological literacy is necessary for a productive 21st century skilled workforce.
    Technological literacy is necessary for a productive workforce.
    Technological literacy is necessary for all citizens.
    Technological literacy is required for all citizens in a democratic society for shared decision-making.
    Technological literacy is the ability to understand, use, assess, design, and create technology.
    Technological literacy is the ability to understand, use, assess, design, and produce technology (i.e. Invention & Innovation).
    Technological literacy requires lifelong learning.
    Technology and society impact each other.
    Technology and society mutually impact each other.
    The abilities required in a technological world include diagnosing, troubleshooting, analyzing and maintaining systems.
    The abilities required in a technological world include understanding, fixing, and maintaining systems.
    The atmosphere is a uniform mixture of gases that decrease in temperature and pressure with increasing altitude.
    The basic molecular and the associated genetic code structure of DNA are universal, revolutionizing our understanding of disease, heredity and evolution.
    The conservation laws apply at all scales from very small particles to entire universe.
    The cytoplasm contains a collection of connected, internal membranous sacs that divide the cytoplasm into functional and structural compartments or organelles.
    The differential reproductive success of populations of organisms with advantageous traits is known as natural selection.
    The Earth’s crust is made up of rocks, which undergo cyclic changes and can be classified by their origins and formation.
    The Earth’s oceans are interconnected, forming one ocean.
    The energy flow of biochemical reactions is governed by the physical laws of thermodynamics.
    The fossil record documents patterns of mass and background extinctions and the appearance of new species.
    The hydrologic cycle describes the continuous movement of water on, above, and below the surface of the earth.
    The inertial mass and charge of an object and any forces acting on it can be measured and quantified using appropriate tools, units, frames of reference, and techniques.
    The kinetic energy of an object in simple harmonic motion is at its minimum value when the object is at its maximum displacement and at its maximum when the object passes through its equilibrium position.
    The motion of a projectile can be represented and analyzed as two different motions, a vertical motion with constant acceleration and a horizontal motion with constant speed.
    The motion of an object can be described by its position, direction and speed.
    The pattern of form following function is reflected at all biological levels of organization.
    The position and velocity of an object or interacting objects can be represented and quantified in terms of its momentum, angular momentum, kinetic energy, and potential energy.
    The position, velocity, and acceleration of an object can be measured and quantified (in magnitude and direction), using appropriate tools and units, in a reference frame.
    The potential energy of an object in simple harmonic motion is at its maximum value when the object is at its maximum displacement and at its minimum when the object passes through its equilibrium position.
    The property inertia is an object’s resistance to a change in its motion.
    The Punnet square is a tool that can be used to predict the probability of an offspring’s genotype and phenotype.
    The rotational inertia and angular velocity of an object can be represented in terms of its angular momentum and kinetic energy.
    The surface features of the earth change as a result of observable physical and chemical processes.
    The total amount of energy in a closed system is conserved.
    There are a number of situations in which an object will have both translational and rotational kinetic energy.
    There are similarities and differences between fossils and living organisms.
    These concepts are used in the design and evaluation of many technologies.
    Transportation is the process of safely and efficiently moving people and products.
    Two or more versions of a gene (alleles) contribute to the expression of inherited traits.
    Unequal heating of the surface of the earth contributes to global circulation patterns, climate, and weather.
    Vectors allow the formulation of Physical Laws independent of a particular coordinate system.
    Weather is the result of complex interactions between atmospheric pressure, land conditions, and ocean temperatures that can be measured.
    Weight is the result of the earth’s gravitational force acting upon an object’s mass.
    When two surfaces of objects are in contact with each other, the force of friction between them depends on the nature of the materials in contact and the normal force.
    Which genes are expressed at a given time is determined by the integration of internal and environmental signals received by a cell.
    While many forces can act on an object, those forces can be represented and analyzed using a free body diagram.
    Career plan maintenance.
    Factors that impact personal career choices.
    Factors that support career selection.
    Family and work situations can both benefit from teamwork, strong organizational structure and leadership skills.
    How personal attitudes and work habits support career retention and advancement.
    Parts of a cover letter and resume.
    Post secondary career preparation opportunities.
    Practical reasoning skills can be used to develop solutions that will result in positive consequences for self and others.
    Relationship between educational achievement and career success.
    Relationship of changing roles in the workplace to new career opportunities.
    Relationship of educational plans to the career choice process.
    Relationship of personal interests, abilities, and aptitudes to career goals.
    Requirements of developmental planning in a portfolio process including identifying, collecting, maintaining and applying documents and skills .
    School-based opportunities for career awareness/preparation.
    Situations where purposeful research, evaluation of resources and networking is required in the career acqusition process.
    Traditional and non-traditional careers.
    Varied sources of career information.
    A responsible health consumer is able to utilize appropriate self-care practices and products in concert with professional health care services.
    A variety of medical advances and governmental policies has made an impact in the prevention and control of health problems.
    A wide variety of factors such as fitness level, health status and environment, etc., can enhance or be harmful to efficient functioning of our body systems.
    Each individual is responsible for accessing valid health information to make, implement and evaluate their consumer choices.
    Goal setting sets the foundation for a lifetime of responsible health decision making.
    Relationships, career choices and both chronic and communicable diseases are examples of factors that play a powerful role in shaping our entire adult lifespan.
    Responsibilities, cost, and nutritional knowledge are examples of factors that impact the food choices we make as adults.
    The decision to use/not use drugs is impacted by the effects on the individual, family and community.
    There is a direct cause and effect relationship between well-being and the environment.
    Content for Writing
  • Competencies
    Analyze the impact of modern technology on the study of the earth and its place in the universe.
    Clearly communicate engineered solutions in written, spoken, and graphical means.
    Compare and contrast the natural constraints imposed on scientific and technological change.
    Conduct simple and safe, inquiry-based investigations to observe endothermic and exothermic chemical reactions, measure temperature, volume, and mass, and form conclusions based on experimental evidence.
    Construct a free body diagram indicating the magnitude and direction of the forces on an object and use information from the diagram to determine the motion of the object.
    Describe and demonstrate how to use the technological method to analyze technological processes and solutions.
    Describe how technological development impacts economics, culture, and policies.
    Design and develop the ability to create and transmit messages using technology.
    Design and develop the ability to safely and effectively use tools and materials to build structures.
    Design and develop the ability to safely and effectively use tools and materials to convert energy into useful power.
    Design and develop the ability to safely and effectively use tools and materials to manufacture products.
    Design and develop the ability to safely and effectively use tools and materials to transport people and products.
    Design and develop the ability to safely and effectively use tools and materials to utilize bio-related products and systems using technology.
    Design and implement investigations to study the effects of physical and chemical processes on the structure of rocks.
    Design and produce solutions to technological problems.
    Develop complete paragraphs that have details and information specific to the topic and relevant to a well-defined focus
    Develop skills for a 21st century workforce.
    Develop substantial, relevant and illustrative content that demonstrates a clear understanding of the purpose (content).
    Develop substantive content that is fully explained and well-supported with details, facts, research, examples and is appropriate for the topic (content)
    Develop the abilities to use and maintain technological products and systems.
    Develop topic-specific content that effectively and fully explains and supports the work by using details, facts, research, and/or examples (content)
    Explain the importance of carefully assessing technological inventions and innovations.
    Improve an existing product, process, or system.
    Incorporate an expansive and expressive vocabulary that includes terms specific to the topic
    Narrative Writing: Develop substantial, relevant and illustrative content that demonstrates a clear understanding of the purpose (content).
    Persuasive Writing: Develop substantial, relevant and illustrative content that demonstrates a clear understanding of the purpose (content).
    Pose questions and provide evidence-based explanations about understanding and observations of biological phenomena and processes.
    Provide examples for when it is correct to use the terms scientific principle, scientific theory, scientific law, fact, and belief.
    Recognize technological literacy as a necessary lifetime endeavor which requires additional knowledge and information.
    Recognize the importance of using technological knowledge to participate competently in a democratically society.
    Select and use appropriate tools and techniques when designing and conducting experiments related to the biological sciences and then communicate an analysis of the findings using various types of media.
    Solve problems of motion and forces by applying knowledge of Newton’s Laws, performing direct and indirect measurements of the motion of objects and forces acting upon objects, and performing graphical analysis of this experimental data.
    Use design and problem solving skills to solve technological challenges.
    Use information from the various representations of translation motion to solve for unknown motion quantities of objects in translational motion.
    Use organizational patterns that support key ideas and are appropriate to format and purpose. (organization)
    Use socially and academically appropriate language and content
    Use strong verbs and nouns, concrete details, and sensory language to make meaning clear to the reader
    Focus, content, organization, style, and conventions work together to impact writing quality
    Analyze teamwork, organizational structure and leadership skills and their application in various family and work situations.
    Analyze, synthesize, organize and present information to assist in the job acquisition process.
    Apply critical thinking and ethical standards when making choices and taking actions in family, workplace and community settings.
    Build networking relationships with teachers, employers and community representatives for future career acquisition possibilities.
    Develop positive leadership skills and apply them in family, school and community settings.
    Develop teamwork skills and apply them in family, school and community settings.
    Discuss the roles of ethics, values and morals and their impact on decision-making.
    Identify components of a strong organizational structure as evidenced in work and family contexts.
    Identify personal interests, aptitudes and abilities that influence career choice.
    Implement decision-making process for educational, workplace, and interpersonal challenges.
    Interview an adult and determine what factors influenced their career choices and how they influenced them.
    Maintain a career planning portfolio.
    Recognize your personal attitudes and work habits that support career retention and advancement such as attendance, punctuality, appearance, communication, initiative, and flexibility and recognize those areas that need to be further developed.
    Select some career options that are based on your personal interests, abilities, aptitudes, achievements and goals.
    Select, implement, and evaluate an action supported by justified reasons, valued ends, contextual conditions, and positive and negative consequences for self, family and community.
    Use research and information resources to obtain career preparation information about some of your career choices and compare them.
    Use the internet to locate and research career fields of interest.
    Write a brief essay or speech that justifies your selection of a career.
    Design a personal plan for healthy living throughout the entire adult lifespan.
    Select and implement personal health-enhancing behaviors that reduce health disparities and minimize risk factors throughout the lifespan.
    Informational: Develop and analyze the topic thoroughly by selecting the most significant and relevant facts, extended definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples appropriate to the audience’s knowledge of the topic; include graphics and multimedia when useful to aiding comprehension. Argumentative: Distinguish the claim(s) from alternate or opposing claims; develop claim(s) and counterclaims fairly and thoroughly, supplying the most relevant evidence for each while pointing out the strengths and limitations of both in a manner that anticipates the audience’s knowledge level, concerns, values, and possible biases. Narrative: Use narrative techniques such as dialogue, description, reflection, multiple plot lines, and pacing, to develop experiences, events, and/or characters; use precise words and phrases, telling details, and sensory language to convey a vivid picture of the experiences, events, settings, and/or characters.


Manufacturing in America has changed dramatically in the last decade. It has become an exciting and viable job sector and it is critical that young people are aware of the many opportunities that exist in this field.

Suggestions for Implementation: It is important that this lesson be connected content that is relevant (i.e. Career development classes/Family Consumer Science classes who are exploring career choices, Social Studies classes that are studying the Industrial Revolution and/or Tech Ed. classes that are studying manufacturing processes.)


  • Manufacturing - make (something) on a large scale using machinery
  • O-Net - "Occupational Information Network" - an automated database that serves as the nation's primary source of occupational information
  • Career Portfolio - An ongoing, individualized collection of materials (electronic or hard copy) that documents a student’s educational performance, career exploration, and employment experiences over time. While there is no standard format that a career portfolio must take, it typically includes a range of work, containing assignments by the teacher/counselor and selections by the student. It serves as a guide for the student to transition to postsecondary education or the workplace, or both.
  • Career Plan - a document developed by the student that identifies a series of educational studies and experiences to prepare them for postsecondary education or work, or both, in a selected career cluster or area



Method of Summative Evaluation

1.  Given a list of interests and skills and an accompanying list of potential jobs in a manufacturing setting, students will match skills sets to jobs with 80% accuracy on a written quiz.

Written evaluation – quiz

2.   Students will utilize results from an interest inventory to identify a potential job in the manufacturing industry choosing a career that is supported by at least 4 of their 6 personal profile characteristics.

Written evaluation – graphic organizer

Lesson Essential Question(s)

Who is my audience?
  • What interests and skills sets are a good match for careers in manufacturing and where best might I fit into that industry?


Two to three 45-minute class periods



1.   You Tube Video - What is Manufacturing in the 21st Century?

2.   Article - Industry Overview: Manufacturing

This should be printed out and provided to them in hard-copy.

3.   Graphic Organizer - Manufacturing Jobs and Skills Sets

Everything is Manufactured! Can Everyone Enter the Field of Manufacturing - Resource 3.docx

4.   Quiz - Which Job?

Everything is Manufactured! Can Everyone Enter the Field of Manufacturing - Resource 4.docx

5.   Quiz Key - Which Job?

Everything is Manufactured! Can Everyone Enter the Field of Manufacturing - Resource 5.docx

6.   Activity Sheet - My Personal Profile

Everything is Manufactured! Can Everyone Enter the Field of Manufacturing - Resource 6.docx

7.   Student’s Career Plan/Career Portfolio

As organized by each student


  1. Teacher computer w/Internet access
  2. Data projector and screen
  3. Student computer/tablet device with Internet access

Suggested Instructional Strategies


Students are provided with an overview of what they will be doing over the next few days in the introduction provided by the teacher. At each stage, students are provided with documents describing expectations in detail as well as details about how their work will be evaluated.


Portions of this activity are focused on each student’s individual information.  Allowing the students to tailor their choices to their specific career plans/portfolios engages them in the process and allows for a greater personal investment in the outcome.


This task is very relevant as it asks students to apply their own personal traits/information to decision-making in selecting a job in the manufacturing sector. It requires them to make that decision based on information they have gathered about themselves over time.


Students will be reviewing career plans and/or career portfolios to complete this task. This innately asks them to reflect on what they have learned about themselves over time. In addition, throughout the completion of the tasks, the teacher will be utilizing formative assessment to provide feedback for students who may need to revisit their information and how it relates to the decision they have made.


Students will take a quiz in order to determine if they are able to definitively recognize job/personal profile matches. In addition, they will need to develop a personal profile that supports a choice of one of the careers they were introduced to in the previous activity. This will require them to synthesize their own information into documenting their recognition of the relationship between their interests/skills/experiences and potential career choices.


Differentiation for this lesson will occur in conjunction with individual student IEP and 504 specially designed instruction requirements. The teacher may adjust expectations on both the quiz and the personal profile based on this information.


This lesson is exploratory in nature, and as a result engages students in the process. While it is teacher guided at the beginning of the lesson and during transitions, the rest of the time is directed by the student. They alternate between analyzing “fictitious job seekers” to applying their own personal profile information to potential career choices in the manufacturing field.

Instructional Procedures



Resources/ Materials

Related Skills

Objective 1 - Given a list of interests and skills and an accompanying list of potential jobs in a manufacturing setting, students will match skills sets to jobs with 80% accuracy on a written quiz.

Introduction/ Activation Strategy


Introduce students to manufacturing with the following video “What is Manufacturing in the 21st Century?”

Have students brainstorm possible jobs that exist in manufacturing related to each of the 5 Pathways available at the high school.

Resource 1

Equipment 1

Equipment 2








Introduce students to potential manufacturing jobs utilizing the following article: Industry Overview: Manufacturing.

This should be printed out and provided to them in hard-copy. 

Resource 2

Resource 3

Resource 4

Resource 5

Equipment 3







13.1.11F 13.2.11B 13.3.11A


Explain to students that the exercise today is to help them solidify their understanding of the relationship between interests and careers and the important role that plays in career satisfaction. Provide them a list with ten potential careers in the manufacturing industry and have them utilize O-Net to complete the graphic organizer “Manufacturing Careers and Skills Sets.” Allow students to collaborate on the completion of the graphic organizer and when they are finished, review the answers they have as a group discussion.

Distribute the quiz “Which Job?”. Instruct students to complete the quiz, identifying which fictitious Job Seeker is best suited for which manufacturing career.

Objective 2 – Students will utilize results from an interest inventory to identify a potential job in the manufacturing industry, choosing a career that is supported by at least four of their six personal profile characteristics.



Distribute the activity sheet, “My Personal Profile.” Explain to the students that they will be reviewing their Career Plan/Career Portfolio and completing the six sections based on information they have gathered over the course of their middle-school and high-school career development activities.

Using a sample “My Personal Profile” template, pull up a sample Career Plan and show them where they might find information in that plan.  Note: Many of the sections the students should be able to answer without the resource.  However, part of this activity is designed to get them to “use” their Career Plan/Portfolio so they understand its role in their career journey.

When students are finished with their Personal Profiles have them choose one of the careers from the previous activity. Explain that they must choose a career that is supported by four out of six of their personal profile categories.

Resource 6

Resource 7

13.1.11A 13.1.11B 13.1.11E 13.1.11F 13.1.11G 13.2.11B 13.3.11A

11.2.12A 11.2.12C





Formative Assessment

The teacher will circulate among students observing their work and providing feedback. He/she will utilize questioning techniques to scaffold students into making deeper connections/comparisons. In addition, teachers may provide students with the opportunity to correct errors on the quiz and personal profile based on initial feedback.

Related Materials & Resources


This planning guide was written by Alice Justice, Middle School Counselor, Central Columbia School District, Bloomsburg, PA.

Date Published

September 28, 2014
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