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Standard in Practice: What it Looks Like in my Classroom – Health Problems and Disease Prevention (2nd Grade)

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Standard in Practice: What it Looks Like in my Classroom – Health Problems and Disease Prevention (2nd Grade)

Grade Levels

2nd Grade

Course, Subject

Health, Safety, and Physical Education, Health, Wellness, and Physical Development


Instruction in the standards requires a focus not only on the learner concepts and competencies but the supportive practices employed by the adults in the classroom setting.



Concepts and Competencies

The learner will:

  • Participate in discussions about infectious (e.g. colds, flu, chicken pox, pink eye) and non-infectious illnesses (e.g. asthma, allergies)
  • Discuss the concept of “germs”
  • Participate in activities that exemplify the spread of germs in order to reinforce healthy practices
  • Describe ways that germs can spread
  • Explain how germs can make someone ill
  • Demonstrate respect for the health problems of others
  • Explain how rest, exercise, and good nutrition keep us healthy
  • Identify signs of illness (e.g. fever, headache, stomach ache, vomiting or diarrhea)

Supporting Practices

The adult will:

  • Use teachable moments (e.g. many students absent due to flu, students needing an inhaler) to discuss different types of illnesses
  • Model healthy practices that prevent the spread of germs (e.g. cough into elbow, wash hands)
  • Promote understanding of the importance of food restrictions
  • Provide instruction on a variety of health issues (e.g. pertaining to the classroom population)
  • Discuss illness prevention
  • Engage students in hands-on experiences that exemplify the spread of germs in order to encourage healthy practices
  • Use resources (e.g. books, video) to teach about specific illnesses and illness prevention


Content Provider

This resource was created by the Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL).   


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